Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Dear all,

I am very happy and extremely relieved to report that our genealogy is UP!!


The intro page is of course Uncle Nitong's article and I still have to figure out how to remove the return tabs. As to the default name on the "individuals" page, it says Jinjin, only because Christine Ejido's spouse, whose last name we do not know, is entered as a question mark and is the first name on the list. So just ignore the default name and proceed to the hyperlink on "individuals". This programme allows you to generate your Ahnentafel Report (and while I pretend to be a Genealogist, I should say simply that that is just a list of ascendants).

I am only human so I am sure there will be mistakes. Since I put the site up, I have FOUND the missing 45 people I accidentally deleted, encoded them, filled in missing spouses (where it said Spouse 1 of so and so) and did a few more minor things. There is currently still a glitch in the uploading of the database -- for some reason, one or both parents of wife or husband show up as parents of the spouse as well. Talk about an incestuous glitch!! It does not seem to happen in my own database file so it is in the upload that it goes haywire. I have reported it to Gpro,net and hope they are able to fix it soon. I do wish it was interactive so you could enter your own data but that would be wishful thinking. I could add users and passwords so that we can make the whole list restricted and have it accessed by only clan members with assigned passwords.
We have to enslave someone every year to patiently encode everything we report. AND (and this is my fault) it has to be someone with a Mac and a Genealogy Pro running on it.

This would have privacy options so those of you running from the law, or whose identity is juicy enough to steal, please email me AT ONCE if you wish for this option for you and your descendants. Meantime, please check the data and submit more information, specifically birth dates, birth places, and if we intend to generate a list of living members, kindly submit dates of death of those who have left us. My email: ipatluna@pusod.org and use the subject line CORRECTION TO AGUILA SITE.

Thanks much.

Ipat Luna